Hi! I'm Amy, owner & photographer at Sweet Things Photography.

I am a wife and mother to three beautiful children, Sullivan, Grey and Ruby.

My love for photography started when I was in undergrad at Miami University. I took on some elective courses in photography and found such joy in creating art and developing film in the darkroom. Life took me onto a corporate career in marketing, while also achieving my Master's in Business Administration from Xavier University & Loyola University, but I never stopped taking photographs. When I started to feel the corporate burnout, I began again taking night classes at a photography school in Chicago. It wasn't until my oldest son was born that I decided to leave my career behind and start my own business. Now I am lucky enough to stay at home with my children, but also fulfill my own dreams of capturing memories for other families.

I have the most amazing clients and it has meant so much to me to be able to help tell their stories through the art of photography. Watching your children grow has been the greatest gift. I look forward to being a part of your story as well.

Fun Facts about me:

When I was little, I wanted to be a flight attendant. My love for travel started young!

My favorite places I've visited are Greece, London, and Thailand. I love immersing myself in new cultures.

In high school, I was voted most likely to have my name appear in lights ... I'm still waiting on Broadway to call. ;)

I have lived in Indiana, New Mexico, Florida, Ohio, New York City, Chicago, and now Kentucky.

My first car was a 1976 Volkswagen Beetle convertible that I "helped" my Dad restore. And I still have it!

The most bizarre job I've ever had was as a doll hair stylist at the American Girl store in NYC.

Chocolate chip cookies are my love language.

I recently rescued a puppy, a mini Bernedoodle mix named Wrigley. Spam me with all of your puppy training tips! Please?!

My idea of Heaven on Earth is sitting in a rocking chair rocking babies to sleep.

I can't keep a plant alive to save my life, but I keep trying!

I love to read. A few of my recent favorite books are The Invisible Life of Addie Larue, The Girl with the Louding Voice, Hello Beautiful, and The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo.