Happy Birthday to Sweet Things

· September 28, 2011 · 1:22 pm · Uncategorized

“She believed she could and so she did.”

What a difference a year makes.  Around this time last year, I had a ton of questions swirling around my head … What will people think if I don’t go back to work?  Will it be a waste of my degrees if I choose to be a stay at home mom?  If I do go back to work, will I regret it?  What is best for Sullivan?  Won’t I need something that’s still for myself?  Will I lose my identity? … I was never the girl who thought I would be a stay at home mom.  It wasn’t in my plan.  But the moment I had my little baby boy, I knew my life was different.  My plans were about to change.  I loved him so much and knew that I didn’t want to miss out on all of the moments while he was little.  So for one of the first times in my life, I chose not to worry about what everyone else would think and did what was in my heart.  I quit my job.


Becoming a mom gave me a lot of confidence that I didn’t know that I had.  I mean, I was responsible for raising a human being.  What could be harder and more important than that?  So I decided to visit a dream of mine of being a photographer.  I wasn’t sure that I would be able to do it.  But a day spent shooting a wedding with another local photographer made me realize that I could.  Although I had taken several classes in both film and digital photography, I knew that I still had a lot of learning to do.  But I realized that I needed to set an example for my son.  If I was going to teach him that he could grow up to be anything he wanted to be, I needed to set that example.  So on September 28, 2010, while Sully was asleep on my chest, I decided to go for it.  I started a blog.


This past year has been great.  I had been so worried about losing my identity, but in reality, I found the me I had been searching for all along.  I feel like I am finally on the path that I was meant to be on.  Nothing gives me greater joy than to wake up to my little guy’s smiling face every day.  And being able to set my own schedule and be my own boss has worked out great for our family.  In one year, I feel like I have grown so much.  Not only as a person, but as a photographer.  I am constantly learning and trying to improve my craft.  I hope that it shows in the photos I take.


I love being able to capture such special moments in your life.  I love that I am helping to create memories that will last a lifetime.  I am so thankful to have had such amazing clients who have believed in me and stuck with me.  My business has grown so much because of each and every one of you.  Thank you for all of your kind words, your referrals, and for making such sweet little babies.  After all, their cuteness makes my job so much easier.  🙂


I hope that I can continue to grow and learn in the years to come.  I look forward to watching your kids and families grow and capturing this in photographs.  I look forward to meeting those babies that are yet to be born.  And I look forward to seeing where this dream of mine will lead me.


Thank you to every one of you for your support over the past year.  This wouldn’t have been possible without you.


